Claire R.
Today, I hydroplaned and ran into a curb.

That sounds a little too dramatic for my tastes, but that's exactly what happened. I went out to get lunch for the family and on the way back, I went around a curve and slid into a curb. I'm fine and so is the car - it's just a little startling to have something like that happen.

In other news (and the cause of my hydroplaning incident) it's snowing! All week the weather men have been promising us a "blizzard" and I guess they finally delivered. In my area of the country, we hardly ever get snow. It's been snowing pretty hard since this morning too. The photo up there is of our back deck, and yes, that is our Christmas tree that we have yet to get rid of. I know that may not seem like a lot of snow to some of you up north, but to my town down South it is! I took that picture in the morning and there's even more snow now that it's the afternoon.

A note for all you Murfreesboro, TN moms out there with babies still in diapers - Toys R Us has a deal on Pampers Baby Dry Diapers - you can buy a tub of 206 diapers for $45.99. In addition, you also get a Rubbermaid bin (the diapers come in this!) and $20 worth of coupons. Another deal I'm planning on taking advantage of is if you buy either three packs of Huggies or three packs of Pampers, you get a $15 gift card, which I will be applying back toward diapers!

We bought two cases of Pampers a while back from our local Kroger and in both were coupon books and in one of them was a mini Tide To-Go Pen - what an awesome surprise!

Look out for my next post - I'll be giving you my recipe for Chicken Tortilla Soup. I'm making it this evening, so there will be some pictures to go with the recipe this time!

I hope everyone has a great day and stays safe in this snow (or whatever weather you're having)!

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